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Hot Schmaltz Orchestra

     Hot Schmaltz Orchestra started in 1987 around a Shabbas table. Three musicians, all new to the community, who happen to be invited for lunch at the home of Kenny and Ethne Katz, started discussing the lack of music in the Jewish Day schools. Finding out that we all played instruments we later met to jam. Marilyn Kay, Laura Kostant and Ed Grossman formed what is now Hot Schmaltz Orchestra. Marilyn offered to teach recorder classes to all of our children and from that came the Valley Jewish Children's Orchetra which existed for 5 years. Approximately 20 valley children learned to play instruments and were mentored in concerts by the members of Hot Schmaltz. 

     The name Hot Schmaltz was suggested by Janet Statman, our original violin player. We all liked it right away. Gene Beck was the original trombone player,Harlin Steel on clarinet, Marilyn Kay on flute, Laura Kostant on viola, Adam Freedman on Tof, Joy Freedman on flute, Alon Winkler on Vocals,  Ed Grossman on piano/ conductuing and  Mitch Honig on piano.

     From this one Shabbas Hot Schmaltz has played concerts throughout the Los Angeles Valley and City enriching the lives of children and adults alike. From banquets, weddings, schools events, graduations and carnivals, Hot Schmaltz continues to enrich our Community with music. 

Current and past members:

Gene Beck- Trombone

Julie Benarouse- Guitar

Joyce Burstein- Violin

Ruthie Brody- Flute

Art Csillag- Trumpet

Tzvi Forman- Saxaphone

Adam Freedman- Tov

Joy Freedman- Flute

Ed Grossman- Piano, Conductor

Mitch Honig- Piano

Laura Kostant - Viola

Marilyn Kay- Flute, Conductor

Jim Leserman- Clarinet

Julie Levine- Trumpet, Conductor

Dave Loppini- Trumpet

Michelle Luger- Piano

David McLess- Conductor

Loren Nizinski- Bass and electric guitar

David Paller-Percussion

Devorah Perchik- Flute

Dianna Plotke- Trombone

Steve Rizes- Violin B

Ben Schuraytz- Violin

Michy Sela- Violin

Janet Stateman- Violin

Henner Tair- Percussion

Chris Halsted- Trumpet, Accordian

Robert Sax- Flute

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